On Tuesday, June 9 the Ladies League hosted Inter Club for guests from Springfield, Victoria East and Victoria Valley. Team ‘Madonna’ provided tasty treats of start off the day.
47 golfers cheerfully played through some light morning showers and were rewarded with a sunny early afternoon.
Our game was a fun mix of individual scores and team ‘step-aside’ scramble, followed by lunch indoors at the club.
Our 9 hole players enjoyed the hospitality at Cutten Fields for their inter club game. Low gross winner was Kaye Clarke, low net winner Erminia Maykut and closest to the line, Denise Trainor. A total 13 players participated.
The 18 hole winners were:
1. Rose Steinhoff, Wendy Cuthbert, Mary Boot, and Carol Christie
2. Jan Lloyd, Teresa Kane, Jeannine Roberts and Susan Hadaway
3. Janet Roy, Maria Boljkovacs, Anne Curtis and Natalie Legault