Pool Party Scramble -2017
Guelph Ladies Pool Party
Do we ladies know how to party? We sure do! The pictures say a thousand words. Of course no party would be complete without a friendly round of golf first. We firmly believe that Franki, Nancy H. and Norma started partying before their round of golf and that is why they won so easily. Next year there will be testing involved. The party was a blast, thanks to Diana for being the hostess with the mostest, Cathy for her innovative food ideas and prizes and Franki, the photographer, who caught almost everything on camera.But the party was the greatest because of the wonderful lady members, everyone participates, celebrates, assists and genuinely enjoys the wonderful times we spend together.
Celia – Ladies Captain
Thank you to the organizers – Celia, Cathy and Diana who hosted us all. A great afternoon and some”Birdie Juice” competition!!!