Maple Leaf Forever – Ladies Member/Guest Day – June 27, 2018 Maple Leaf Forever – Member/Guest Day Our theme was “The Maple Leaf Forever” to celebrate Canada 150, red and white golf attire was sported by all. The weather was cool and partly cloudy that lasted through the morning with some rain near the end of the Scramble – all golfers completed the round. 49 golfers enjoyed the 9 + 9 event and lunch – including 7 Twilight players and 15 outside guests. Low net member was Roberta Cathcart, runners up – Judy Nasby and Donna Knox. Closest to the pin was Franki Robinson. Guests with the low gross scores were Doris Dupont, Linda Allard and Patti Ingram. Scramble winners were Diana Hambly, Linda Allard, Rachel Cameron and Doris Dupont. Many thanks to our generous sponsors. The prizes were great! Also, thanks to the organizers of this exciting event, Cathy Densmore, Nancy Yeadon and Donna Knox.